Tuesday, April 28, 2009

INfield vs. GraNdsTand

Come see real live Kentuckians in their natural state - rootin' and hollerin', drinkin', dancin', and eatin' fried food...be careful, though: they're contagious!

Who: Anyone and everyone
What: Kentucky Derby Party
Where: 1738 S. Pearl St. Seattle WA 98108
When: May 2, 2009 12:30 drinkin' begins 3:00 ponies run
Why: Why the hell not
How: We ride horses?!?!

And don't forget to dress appropriately! Your choice, of course, if you wanna dress for the grandstand (fiiiiiine lookin', to the nines) or for the infield (more skin than clothes, ready to get sunburned and dirty). Either way, though, don't forget your Derby hat - the more homemade, the better!

call if you need help from a real live Kentucky native


  1. Wait, is this a "Profanity" post or what?

  2. are these ladies in the infield or grandstand? it's hard to tell.
