Thursday, June 18, 2009

I know it's been a while.

It's been a while since I've seen any of you Bunnyhawkers. If'n ya'll are into ridin' yer bikes all night on the Solstice, I may have some tips for you.

First tip: Don't run into a burning building.
Second tip: Ride the Solstice Scavenger Hunt/Ride.

This will be a clothing recommended ride, from 9:11pm and running to 5:11am. Like Dolly Parton, workin' 9 to 5. There will be a big breakfast buffet at Louisa Boren Park. For vegans and opportunivores.
I'm asking people to throw in $10 to buy food, and spoke card materials. Pre-registration can be done online at If you want to pay cash, let me know, you can email Ryan at
The goal is to host what I hope will be an annual affair, building community, and lots of fun having.
In my mind's eye, I see two groups. One, that wants to ride fast, the other, a more casual pace. There will be a couple meet ups throughout the night, people coming together to make bike parties around midnight and around 3am. Finishing out with a big breakfast at the best place to watch a sunrise in Seattle. Yeah.. It's not 70 degrees all night right now, but this is the weather we're used to yeah?

So come hang out at Gasworks before the ride, then let's do the damn thing.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Man I love Summer. where the nights are shorter than dominic's shorts.

    I'm thinking about meeting up at Gas Works. If I end up riding I may let myself slip into the more casual group you've envisioned, given the late-late hours.

    Then again, Louisa Boren's right by my place, maybe I should effing ride.

    Either way I could probably book-end the ride with some park time visiting.
