Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bike Swim Drink

The bunnyhawks have proven to be agile on many terrains. Bicycling is definitely their forte, but did you know that a bunnyhawk can also take to the water like some sort of amphibious-bird-mammal? It's true! And to prove it, I am going to ride from Gas Works Park to Medgar Evers Pool and partake in the shenannigious (by the way, that produced NO spelling error... it IS a word) water sport. Afterward, I am going to dry off, grab a cold one from a grocery store and go where the wind takes me.

If anyone would like to join, I applaud your courage.

Who: The BuNNyhAWks
What: Ride to swim, swim to drink, drink to live, live to ride
Where: Gas Works Park to Medgar Evers Pool to Cal Anderson
When: Wednesday, July 1st at 5:30pm
Why: Because we like you

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