Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Expert advice. . . .

Hello fellow bike lovers and others. Since the traumatic move to montucky, I've felt the void of not having a bike gang(club) to call my own here, and Bunnyhawks MT chapter just feels cheap. So, some Bozeman kids and I are starting our own gun-totin' chaw-chewin cowboy-uppin bike thingy. However, since these Montana kids are treading into unfamiliar waters with the whole riding bikes for fun thing, I need some assistance in naming this monster. And, who better than a bunch of people who know little or nothing about Montana to help? So I'm calling for suggestions. Meth City Marauders was mine, but I don't want our drug secret to be quite so public. Anyway, give me some ideas to bring to the group so I seem smart and leader-like. Hugs and Kisses, and help old Bunnyhawk himself remember that offspring is not a free pass to stop doing fun stuff. You still have to.


  1. So I tried to comment on this post yesterday but I suppose the fates were not with me. This must be because we skipped the last L13. Anyway, since you are a "gun toting" member of the two wheeled MT militia I recommend naming your posse "The Bang Gang". I mean even if you don't have guns you will have fiowkwakows right?

  2. About the only thing I'm familiar with from Montana is the delicious red beer at Linda's brunch, called Montana Breakfast. Therefore might I suggest:

    Montana Bikefest.
