Friday, July 31, 2009

Show UP!!!

Next Friday!!!
August 7th!!!
Comet Tavern at 922 E. Pike!!!!

*Also, its Burglars Birthday. On this Day 29 years ago he was a baby. Someday he will be dead. Enjoy him while you can. Also this is the thirteenth DBBD. You know how important this number is. Seriously, attendance is mandatory for BunnYHawkS. Our god is a vengeful god!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Save The Date!!!

August 15th

Tell your friends to reschedule their birthday parties. Have your parents cancel their flights to visit you. Let your best friend know you can't be in his wedding anymore (if he's really your friend he'll understand).

Save the date. August 15th. Some of you know why. The rest of you will find out soon enough. Stay tuned for the Greatest Sporting Event Know to Mankind.

PS - Don't really cancel any flights. Those are expensive.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today We Party!!!!

Holy moly, I'm so GD excited for the party options today. Words escape me, so I'll just leave you with this.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just Bees and Things and Flowers

my life my life my life my life... in the sunshine

everybody loves the sunshine.

feel, what i feel, when i feel, what i feel when i'm feeling. in the sunshine.

do what i do, when i do, what i do when i'm doing. in the sunshine.

Baby Bear Is Having A Birthday... Tomorrow...

Hey crazy buNNyHaWK kids - tomorrow is my birthday. We are going to the Redwood Bar in Capitol Hill at 8pm - you all should come and bring your bikes. I like bikes.

Oh, and more then likely - I'm going to crash Justin's house warming party as my birthday party as well.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Conflict of Interest

Now I know that there is a certain "yay for shitholes on the wrong side of the country (right) and yay for the cool kids who come from aforementioned shitholes who are quickly climbing the successful white person ladder celebration", and i don't want to cause any "which parent do you want to live with" conundrums, but my bachelor party is this Saturday, and if any bunnyhawks, (the ones with penises, anyway) want to experience debauchery with me before (or after) their stint in g-town, they are more than welcome. Also, any and all of you are invited to our wedding extravaganza 8-1-09.

that is all.

Monday, July 20, 2009

you wouldn't get this from any other guy

Special Thanks to New Jersey

In honor of Justin & Anna's upcoming New Jersey themed party, I thought I'd put up a quick link to one of my favorite things, which would NOT EXIST if it weren't for New Jersey!!

That's right, I'm talking about everyone's favorite website Hot Chicks With DoucheBags.

These guys are total Douche-Roosters and, as I understand it, comprised the largest demographic by percentage in the last New Jersey census.

Let's hear it for the boys!!

New Jersey

So there is a rumor going around that there are new, limited edition,
Blaise Curry, BunnYHawK Tee shirts in production. Wow! How do I get one?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

nobody puts Burglar in a corner

We rode some bikes last weekend and holy moly it was a good time. I'll take the easy/lazy way out and just put some Goddamn (GD) bullet points on here.

Trying to make all you suckers jealous and desperate to go next year. Next year we roll deep!!!


Day One
- getting "the final countdown" stuck in our heads and whistling/singing it non-stop from about mile 7 on.
- a giant pile of bananas on the road around mile 20 that someone had left as a trap, mario kart style. the only cyclist taken out was Donkey Kong.
- seeing a Big Dog t-shirt around mile 40, inspiring us to haul ass for the rest of the day
- passing people with our 4 bunny pace line
- getting yelled at for not saying "on your left" when the person had like 10 feet of clearance and it was questionable whether we were even "on their left" or in an entirely different lane on the road
- getting burritos and margaritas around mile 75
- passing the same people again since we stopped for an hour plus lunch
- getting to centralia only to find the Big Dog outlet store was closed -- but salvation! the christian outlet store was there
- bought a jesus shirt and some christ-in-a-box
- got hungry waiting 2 hours for our food, so we went through several pitchers of beer and half of christ-in-a-box. bitched about the wait and the beer was free.
- drank beers, threw some shit around

- made "friends" at the campsite. including one guy who came out of his tent at the late late hour of 10:30pm to tell us he was trying to sleep and this was our "final warning". very difficult not to sing "the final countdown" at this point.
- we made fun of him because we had to do the EXACT SAME RIDE that he did in the morning, monica called him a robot of boredom, and dominic made fun of the guy for choosing to do said ride sober. to think!

Day Two
- woke up at 7am, last tent standing. note: STPers are a bunch of go-getters.
- rode 5 miles to Frosty's in Napavine for food
- 8 people had breakfast and coffee, plus 5 Montana Breakfasts (aka red beer for those of you in the Midwest) and 1 bloody mary for a screamin' $40.27.
- Dominic heard the bill total and started clapping, yelling "BRAVO!"
- lots of uneventful riding. jessica's knee almost went out at mile 185 or so but she pushed through. a very proud bunnyhawkin' moment of perserverance.
- we arrived.
- went out with portlanders, partied hard, did shots, danced the night away at Blake's apartment

Day Three (not riding, but in Portland, whatever)
- realized we had gotten very little sleep in past few days and that Sat night was on the ground and Sun night was on the floor of Blake's apartment.
- walked around like zombies. Tired.
- Train ride home.

Now I've had the time of my life. And I've never felt like this before. Yes I swear, it's the truth.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Scotty Loves to Party

In case you still missed the Memo.

There is a party next Saturday!

Web Site is FUN!:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sniffy Sniff

Greatest hits motha effers!

Lucky 13

This was a big (read BIG) weekend. Iclimbed a big mountain. Others did
a big bike ride.

I was concerned that the gods would be angry if we did not ride in
their honor.

Indeed riding in BUNnyHawk style in short shorts and official club
jrrzees through the city of Portland counts. I have consulted with the
speaking stones the gods are pleased.

They have also said "If you miss the next one, we'll break your legs. "

Nice work StPers.

Sent from my iPhone

It Is No STP - But I Rode

Sadly - last minute I had to throw the towel in this weekend in regards to the STP ride.  To make up for it I went on a mini adventure in Seattle that consisted of the Downtown Library, Death Pedal at Gasworks, Bamboo Gardens, Coffee at Stumptown, Gin at Twilight Exit, Pee Wee's Big Adventure in Fremont, Karaoke at Baranof and finally sleep at Ryan's house.  Next morning I rode to G-Town for some much needed vegan breakfast then back home to work.

Good news, I'm all ready to go for Chicago this week.  And you know I will be bring my bike and doing the whole "bike-travel-BunNYHaWKinG-Reporting"

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We found Christ in Centralia

STP4FREE. Step one, you put the Christ in the box.

So 100 miles later, after a sad disapointment when we found out the
BIG DOG outlet store closed, we went to the Christian Outlet and
Brandon bought the flesh of Christ. Now we're eating. Fuck you.



Bunnyhawkin' STP 4 free. Rollin' out, tomorrow morning.

A wiser man than me once asked:

"Where ya going for tomorrow?"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Give up.

A huge success.


I finally got the slide show up.

I don't Quite know how Artopia slipped My radar. Perhaps because it wasn't much of an "official" ride... But it was one hell of a party! And there were BunnyHawkS. and there was a baby who had Mimosas and is now the youngest buNnYhawk... Oh Yeah! We Had Mimosas!...and we danced on a Bus... We rule!

Fire Truck

I never thought I would own a fire truck. But I do. (well my company

Nothing says success like owning heavy equipment.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PARTY!!! NOW!!! (a little later actually)

You should come to our party.

Who: Everybody (seriously)
What: BON JERSEY 2009
When: Saturday July 25th 3:00pm until...
Where: Our House 6230 Carleton Ave South. 98108
Why: Housewarming celebration of graduation
How: You can have whatever you like.

Check it out here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So I have been harboring some guilt about the fact that I abandoned
the 60cm frame that comprised the majority of the origional parts from
the bike that made me fall in love with bikes. (I have the same make
and model in a size that fits me now. But still...)

The point is the T700 lives again. And Burglar has a torso that
demands a lot of bike. Win win.

I found the complete bike at the dump in Portland Maine. Now it's a
Capitol hill slammer. This bike will never die. Never.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


America! Fv(k yeah!

we are behind the times

These sweet bikes were seen in Williamsburg the other day. I'm going to burn my fixie and ride one of these out of the ashes in a blaze of irony and spandex.

Oh dear, the cops are SO FLUSTERED!!!

Also, I'm pretty sure that is the Ghost of Michael Jackson (GMJ) around 0:33 seconds into the video. He ends up following the pack of Brooklynites towards the brick wall for a Kool-Aid Man attack on society and the tyranny of the majority.

Which is a nice segue into wishing all you BunNyhAwks a happy independence day. I know I'll be watching Will Smith/Bill Pullman movies all day to celebrate.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

SEEN: bunnYhaWk graffiti

I was stompin' past the Moore Theatre the other day and after realizing they totally mispelled "Theater", I noticed this SWEET bunnyhawk sign on the wall!!!1!


Follow me on Twitter! BunnYHawkiN

This time Justin can't change the password!